Tuesday, July 31, 2012

the "eyes" have IT

My Jazzed-up Luscious Lashes.

I like them. DSCN0384


putting the lashes on gets a little easier each time.
they add a little sexy, pizzazz to a woman's looks.
 The French say, 'Les yeux sont le miroir de l'dme
(The eyes are the mirror of the soul)

learn how to put your own lashes on here

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Homemade Yoghurt

Now that it’s officially the hottest summer on record, I’ve declared it an ice cream summer; my chosen method of relief.  I love ice cream, I mean really, who doesn’t?  It’s like manna in the sweltering days of summer heat and relentless humidity.  When it becomes just too unbearable, I reach for relief:  my ice cream (actually, frozen yoghurt).
I’ve recently discovered the joy of making my own yoghurt.  It was a natural, organic leap to frozen yoghurt.  I’ve tried it a few times now and feel confident with the process enough to add personal tweaks. 

Four Simple steps:
  1. Heat Milk
  2. Stir in  Culture (plain yoghurt with live cultures)
  3. Let it sit overnight (8 hours)
  4. Strain//refrigerate
Yoghurt Recipe


Making yogurt is about allowing bacteria to ferment in milk. You need a live yogurt culture to start the process, any plain whole-milk yogurt from your local grocery store will work.
Just make sure the yogurt does not contain starch or modified starch.
The final product may be rather thin yogurt, initially. You can add powdered milk, gelatin, or xanthan gum to thicken. Add one (1) tablespoon of powered milk (or gelatin) per 1 cup of milk, as a general rule for a thicker, creamier yogurt.
The yogurt needs to sit at room temperature overnight (7-8 hours). The finished yogurt can be refrigerated for up to five days.

The yogurt needs to sit at room temperature overnight (7-8 hours). The finished yogurt can be refrigerated for up to five days. Makes about 2 cups ( you can double or half the recipe) 

2 cups milk
2 tablespoon plain whole-milk yogurt


  • Heat the milk to 110 degrees (lukewarm) in a saucepan or crockpot (low setting for about 1-2 hours). 
  • Pour it into a large bowl, then stir in the yogurt.
If you choose to use a thickener, you may add it now or wait until just before it’s ready to refrigerate (after 7-8 hrs of fermentation). I’ve done it both ways and it doesn’t seem to matter. 

  • Cover mixture with a clean kitchen towel. Let it sit at room temperature overnight. I usually put my mine in the oven (which is off) because it’s out of the way and I feel the temperature is more even and constant.
After the yogurt has sat overnight, it is ready. But if you want it to be even better, refrigerate it for at least 2-3 hours and it will become thicker and creamier. The yogurt can be refrigerated for five days  

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